April 24, 2015

Happy Friday #8 // Finals Week Essentials

I know I talked about finals earlier this week (here) but they are consuming my life right now...only 4 more days!!

Over the last several years of taking finals I have come up with a few things that are absolutely necessary in order to make this week as smooth as possible. I hope these tips help you if you are taking finals in the next few weeks!

Be sure to keep healthy snacks. There is something about studying that gives me the munchies. I have been known to eat an entire bag of gold fish in a single day of studying for finals. Now, when finals week roles around I make an extra special effort to have healthy snacks. A few of my favorites are grapes, blueberries, and granola.

Make a schedule. When you know you are going to spend the entire day studying, write out a schedule the night before. When making the schedule, don't forget about breaks and lunch! Here is my schedule for today (looks like fun doesn't it?)

Studying for finals: Eat healthy, make a schedule, take breaks, and RELAX thehollypaige.blogspot.com

Take breaks. It is almost impossible for me to sit and study for hours straight. I must have breaks! Even if they are only 15 minutes long. My favorite thing to do during a break is to go for a short walk outside (if the weather is nice). If I can't go outside I may read a blog post, check social media, or even lay down and close my eyes for a few minutes (always set an alarm!).

Get out of the house. I seem to study best when I'm anywhere but home. I love to go to Panara to eat breakfast and study for a few hours. The library, Starbucks, and the park are great study places too.

Finally, RELAX,  SLEEP, and know that the semester is ALMOST OVER!

Good luck to all of you taking tests soon! Let me know what your finals week essentials are.


  1. Ugh I totally have a Differential Equations final on monday morning at 7:45am and I'm kinda freaking out about it. I'm gonna set about 5 alarms and try not to panic!

    xo Jenn

    1. I'm sure you will do GREAT! Try not to freak out too much, just take a death breath and relax! you can do it! '

      GOOD LUCK!
