March 01, 2016

March 2016 Goals

How is it already MARCH? In less than 80 days, I will be graduated from college and married!

For the last two months I have been setting small goals and updating the blog with those new goals and my progress to keep myself accountable. So, since it is the beginning of another month, it is time for new goals!

February Goals Update:

Out of the 29 days in February, I did yoga or some other form of exercise 16 days. I'd say those are pretty good stats considering I had a few months of zero exercise days! I can tell a huge difference in the way my body feels just from a few weeks of activity.  I ache less, I have more energy, and I feel stronger.

As far as drinking more water goes, I think I said I would try to drink 50-70 ounces a day... for the month I averaged about 35-40 ounces per day. Unfortunately, I did not do a very good job sticking to this goal so I'm carrying it over into the new month.

March Goals:

1. Eat less sugar. Sugar doesn't fuel your body, it can cause blood sugar fluctuation, skin break outs, headaches, digestive issues, etc. I want to focus on eating foods with more nutritious value that will provide me with steady energy.

I think I mentioned in my last goal update that I really enjoy recipes from Mind Over Munch. Almost, all of their recipes and nutrition advice focuses on eating whole, natural, unprocessed ingredients, so I plan on continuing to use Mind Over Munch for meal inspirations.

2. Clean out my closet. I have SO many clothes. This month, I want to take out all the winter clothes I have not worn in the past few months and get rid of them. I want to simplify and declutter my wardrobe.

What are you goals for the next month?

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