May 01, 2016

I Am A College Graduate!

On April 30, 2016 at 10 am, Brandon and I both graduated from the University of Central Arkansas with Bachelors of Science in Biology. We spent the whole day celebrating with our parents and grandparents. It was a great day!

Through four years of college and studying biology I learned a lot about myself and the world around me. I moved 202 miles away from my family, friends, and everything I had ever known. I got homesick and found ways to overcome it. I recovered from scoliosis surgery and realized than I am stronger than I ever thought possible. I learned to love cooking. I made new friends. I fell more and more in love with Brandon every day (I really couldn't have gotten through the last four years without his help). I cried a lot but I laughed more.

I learned to truly appreciate the Earth and the life that is on it. I learned that, despite what my small home town had taught me, religion and science can and do work together. I learned that every living organism on this incredible planet plays a vital role and that if we don't start taking better care of it and stop destroying it, we won't have anything left.

At UCA I had professors introduce me to new ideas. I had professors help me while I was trying to go to school and recover from surgery (which was more difficult that I expected). I had professors push me to overcome fears and try new things. I will be forever thankful for this.

I feel like I have accomplished something great. I AM A COLLEGE GRADUATE!

And for those who are wondering what I'm doing next, I really don't know right now. Its terrifying and thrilling at the same time.

Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me along the way!

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